5 Awesome Tips for a Productive Work Routine

Lucinda D'souza
3 min readJul 24, 2021

“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.”

-Stephan Covey

Photo by ian dooley on Unsplash

What is a Productive Work Routine?

It is when you feel happy that whatever tasks you planned for the day are complete.

It can be five simple tasks you planned and ticked off your to-do list.

A productive work routine is a habit of completing set tasks regularly.

But, with the pandemic, it is work from home (WFH). Distinguishing between personal and professional space is hard. Earlier it would be a 9–5 work, but it has turned more of a 24*7. Distractions are there everywhere. Isn’t It?

How can you have a Productive Work Routine?

Now that is a difficult question to answer. But I will tell you my tried and tested ways. Sounds difficult but I got the hang of it. So here we go:

  • Waking Up Early: Sounds cliche? Trust me, It 100% works! In the beginning, it was hard to wake up, and snoozing the alarm and snuggling for extra sleep was a pleasure. But, look at the bigger picture. You get 2 or 3 hours more time than everyone else. You can work, exercise, meditate, do activities that you were not able to do earlier. You will feel happy and that sets the tone of the day.

(Tip: Sleeping early is the secret to waking up early)

  • Making To-Do List: It is an absolute must to make a list of your works for the day. Since it is WFH, planning will help keep track of time and work. You can be flexible if things don’t go as planned.
  • Work Desk: In the early WFH days, I would slouch on the bed, or sit on the couch with a humped back. It was a horror to sleep at night. It got worse with a terrible backache and muscle soreness.
Photo by Pontus Wellgraf on Unsplash

That is when I decided to get the Jubilant Work Desks. It is sleek and sturdy. It has storage for chargers, notebooks, stationery, headphones, and mics for online meets. The ergonomic chair is smooth and comfortable for my aching back. This has to be my favorite.

I have placed it in the corner of my room near a window. After my morning rituals, I head to my work desk which has turned into my comfort zone. I bet you will like it too. I would recommend you to get one.

Prioritizing and Setting Boundaries: This looks daunting but necessary. Appropriating time for important tasks. You have to learn the art of saying “No” to people who don’t respect your space. It helps to manage time.

Setting boundaries will help you stay mentally sane.

Rewarding Yourself: Since it is a single-man show, you got to be your cheerleader. At the end of the day on accomplishing tasks in hand, make sure you do your favorite activity. Pat yourself for doing good.

It might be eating a caramel custard, ordering your favorite meal, or watching a movie. Do anything to reward and encourage yourself.

A productive work routine is beneficial both mentally and physically.

Your body will release happy hormones when you have a productive workday. It acts like neurotransmitters that boost and promote the internal well-being of digestion, heart rate, blood circulation, lowers cortisol, and acts as a mood stabilizer.

When your work does the talking, you definitely will feel proud of yourself. The feeling of following and completing set goals altogether is crazy. It makes the path for positive energy to flow. So go ahead and work towards a happy you.

Disclaimer: This blog post is composed as a part of a certification program with ContentVidhya. The product mentioned is imaginary. It is meant only for the workshop purpose as a part of an assignment I am doing. Any kind of reference should be treated as coincidental.

